Are there any indentifing tests for HPV for men so that a man can find out whether he is a carrier or not? - are men affected by hpv
I did some research and it seems that many men carry the HPV virus, but it has almost all HPV no influence on men. However, men and women can relate to in some cases, HPV Thew, can not be treated if detected, may cause cancer in these women. Women can the virus by testing Pabsmear. And the men? Is there a test to see if a man has HPV, to get started?
There are no FDA approved HPV test for men. Often, people with HPV have no symptoms and diagnosis of HPV in men is difficult. Since there is no treatment for asymptomatic HPV, most people are not treated. It is possible that the people feel no symptoms when they actually do. Sometimes a doctor small warts, which would have remained undetected can see especially when they are well into the opening of the penis. A wash of vinegar is sometimes the vinegar solution causes infected areas to bleach, which makes them more visible. A vaccine against HPV is the next year. Even if it does not cure an infection, can prevent people who have not already been infected by the virus.
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