Saturday, January 30, 2010

Acid Reflux Yogurt I Have Acid Reflux, And I'm Wondering What Vegetarians Eat?

I have acid reflux, and I'm wondering what vegetarians eat? - acid reflux yogurt

I have acid reflux disease, and I was never good to check. Now I'm beginning but complete. So ... I noticed a list of things you can not eat me;

There is no milk, ice cream, cheese, yogurt

No Coke, caffeine, coffee, citrus fruits

No food, spicy food, fast food, fatty foods, peppermint, chocolate, candy, chips, tomato

No meat, chicken nuggets, buffalo wings, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti sauce, potato puree, fried, etc.

.... Well ... wtf can I eat?
Vegetarians do not eat much, does it? What do children eat?


Sunflowe... said...

There are different types of vegetarians. I am a vegetarian regularly.

Vegetarians eat vegetables, fruits, wheat and dairy products. They eat everything except meat.

Flexitarians vegetarians eat what they eat with the chicken.

Pescetarians vegetarians eat, eat more fish.

Vegans eat vegetables, fruit and wheat. They eat no meat or dairy products. You do not eat animals or products at all.

You can ask your doctor for a prescription to calm the reflux down. I am surprised that you can not eat dairy products or citrus fruits, because if you think about Relux acid, is an overproduction of stomach acid. If you think the chemistry and try to improve their internal pH, which, of course, use a product) (eg milk to calm the stomach acid balance.

However, vegetables and noodles to eat in particular. I also take vitamins, which is really important. Vegetarians are usually eat smaller quantities of iron and protein, and no meat, you should consider supplements. Nuts (peanuts and cashew nuts in particular) is alsogood opportunities for protein.

I hope that somewhat helped.

Good luck:)

~ Sunflower

Paranormal Kitty said...

Why do you say that you can not have milk? I have always found that milk or soy milk has a lot to reduce, heartburn, because calcium.

Rod said...

You can always drink the water, steamed vegetables, fruit, meat

Frou Frou said...

I have all these things in the first 3 lists
the last of which I eat

Ecepc Mac and cheese. Id Die Without You

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