Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bed Wetting Alarm Pad When Does A Child Stop Wetting The Bed?

When does a child stop wetting the bed? - bed wetting alarm pad

I have a 11-year-old daughter who wets the bed about 4-5 nights per week. I have been to many doctors and nothing helped. I also take my daughter for 2 different psychologists without success. I was told that the production is a happy child, and it will grow on it. She uses adult pads at night and do not always work. I keep all liquids at 7:30 Clock. I will answer to 1, to take him to the bathroom. I bought this signal that attaches to your underwear to wake up when wet. Nothing! I wonder if all parents have experienced? I do not know to bed, and his father. It is my only child, and I do not know what else to do.

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